Fancy making a video? - Part Two
It's part two of videos! This time we touch on neuro marketing and the calls to action we can use in your videos after we have provoked certain emotions in media. Should you follow the crowd with your video or be different, and how can you be?How is media creation the very frontier of the art and the science of marketing?We'd love to hear your experiences and thoughts on this one, so please share Tweet us at @meanderspod message us on Facebook or email See for privacy and opt-out information.
It's part two of videos!
This time we touch on neuro marketing and the calls to action we can use in your videos after we have provoked certain emotions in media. Should you follow the crowd with your video or be different, and how can you be?
How is media creation the very frontier of the art and the science of marketing?
We'd love to hear your experiences and thoughts on this one, so please share Tweet us at @meanderspod message us on Facebook or email
See for privacy and opt-out information.